Patrick de van der Schueren
Patrick de van der Schueren is the Chief Legal Officer (Principal) of AlpInvest Partners responsible for Europe and Asia. He is based in Amsterdam.
Prior to joining AlpInvest Partners in 2002, Mr. de van der Schueren was a Corporate Partner at Steins Bisschop Meijburg & Co., a Dutch law firm, where he headed one or the transaction teams. Prior to that, he was a Senior Transaction Lawyer with Loyens & Loeff from 1990 to 2000. During this time, he served for three years as Off Counsel with Ali Budiardjo Nugroho Reksodiputro, Jakarta.
Mr. de van der Schueren received a BA in modern history, a LLM in Dutch private law from University of Utrecht and a LLM in European and international tax law from University of Amsterdam. He is a member of the Netherlands Association of Company Lawyers and registered as at attorney-at-law with the Amsterdam Bar Association, The Netherlands.